Avery Berkel XTs601 Platform Ready

Avery Berkel XTs601 Platform Ready

Ideal for: Butchers, Greengrocers, Delicatessens, Farm Shop and Fishmongers who want to produce labels or receipts.
This can be linked to our software Dimension Pro, which unlocks the full potential.

Platform Ready, can be linked to a remote platform. Trade approved or non-trade approved.

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The XTi and XTs range of scales are ideal for medium to Large retailers looking to print labels or receipts. All the XT range is fitted with quality label cassettes to make label changing easy.

The XTs601 is ideal for weighing heavy items as it can be linked to a remote platform. The XTs601 is great for high speed, high impact labelling to maximise your business potential.

The scale complies with Natasha’s Law for bolding allergens in label mode.

This scale is great when paired with our Software Dimension Pro. As it can quickly label your products for orders to go out for delivery or collection.

We can program, setup and train you on your new scale.

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